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tv   9 News Now at 430am  CBS  November 12, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST

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in benghazi before, during and after the attack if general petraeus doesn't testify. >> reporter: senator dianne feinstein, the head of the intelligence committee says petraeus could still be called to testify at some point in the future. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. >> he told friends he had no romantic involvement with jill kelly and only saw her with her husband. syrian activists say antigovernment groups have reach add preliminary deal to form a new opposition leadership. opposition factions have been meeting. the u.s. and other countries have been pressuring the group to present a united front. president owe wam ma honored the nation -- obama honored the nation's veterans with a traditional wreath laying ceremony. he said it's intended to remember every service member who has ever worn our nation's uniform. he urged americans to welcome back u.s. troops who are now
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coming home. >> over the next few years, more than a million service members will transition back to civilian life. they'll take off their uniforms and take on a new and lasting role. they will be veterans. as they come home, it falls to us, their fellow citizens, to be there for them. >> the president also noted this is the first veterans day in a decade with no american troops officially fighting in iraq. the vietnam veterans memorial continues to be one of the area's most visited and emotional sites. >> surae chinn talked to veterans who gathered at the wall to honor their fallen friends. >> reporter: i come out twice a year for memorial day and veterans day. >> reporter: the wall can move people like none other. antonio has come to honor his fallen comrade charlie. >> not only my friend but all
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the other 50,000, 60,000 men here and for those who are no longer with us. >> reporter: army specialist biaz was only 20 years old while in combat. >> he flew a couple of planes ahead of me. we met in long bend. we got separated there. >> reporter: his friend would be killed by a land mine at the age of 21. >> a salute for a fallen friend. >> reporter: a tribute song to a soldier. and faces of young men who never got to grow old. >> to pay respects and homage to all those who have given their ultimate sacrifice on that wall. all my brothers and sisters. >> reporter: veterans make the annual trek to the wall that bring them right back to the battlefields of vietnam. >> he was killed in familiar september 22, 1968. >> reporter: a tough journey of reflection but one these soldiers will never miss on veterans day.
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>> it's just something that i have to do. i hope that all my brothers and sisters are all resting in peace. >> reporter: at the vietnam veterans memorial, surae chinn, 9news now. this week is the 30th anniversary for the vietnam veterans memorial. a reeght laying ceremony -- wreath laying ceremony was also held at the world war ii memorial. the national park service and the friends of the memorial held the event to honor veterans from all wars. if you're looking for a way to honor local veterans, you might want to consider contributing money toward a thanksgiving and christmas food basket. a $50 donation to the uso's turkeys for troops program will feed a family of six. wusa9 is helping with the uso effort. if you're interested, log on to and click on the uso button on our home page to make a donation.
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every penny you donate will stay right here in the d.c. metro area. it started at nine million people without power. now it's more than 100,000 homes that have no electricity. 55,000 of the outages are going to remain disconnected for sometime because of wiring problems and severely flooded equipment. the prolonged lack of power combined with little information about when it will be restored is making people who live there very angry. even the government officials are upset. local verizon employees from this area are helping victims in new jersey. they're helping restore internet service. verizon will send 80 trucks and more than a hundred technicians who know how to rebuild the communication systems there from the ground up. you can help the victims of the super storm sandy. go to our facebook page and click like. every time you do that we will send a dollar to the american
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red cross relief fund. the d.c. police department's internal affairs office is investigating the death of a woman while in police custody. she somehow injured herself while in the cell at the 3rd district police station. the 42-year-old woman was taken to gw university hospital where she was pronounced dead. she was arrested friday afternoon for allegedly assaulting a police officer, simple assault, procession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia. prince george's county are searching for the person who shot and killed a man sunday in lewisdale. it happened just before 1:30. police found the manual at the intersection of charleston place and drexel street suffering from a gunshot wound. the 20-year-old was pronounced dead at an area hospital. anyone with information about the shooting is asked to call prince george's county. mary gavin is the first woman to ever serve as the
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falls church police chief. she served as deputy chief for five years and after served 21 years with the arlington county police. at 4:36, here's a look at some other things making news now. two people are dead following an explosion in an indianapolis neighborhood. two homes were destroyed in the blast. officials say another 31 homes were so badly damaged, they may need to be demolished. the cause of the explosion is still being investigated. a rally was held in florida on behalf of a man from bethesda, maryland who was held capital any cuba in a prison. demonstrators gathered in west palm beach where the national symphony of cuba was making its first u.s. tour. al lon gross is -- alan gross is serving a 15-year sentence. he said he was only trying to provide internet service for the small cuba jewish
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community. a cold front and rain is headed our way. howard is back in two minutes with your monday forecast. >> wall street is waiting for congress to make a deal. will we plunge off that fiscal cliff or not? lockheed-martin inks a billion dollar deal with saudi arabia. those stories and more coming up at 4:41. >> 9news will be right back right after this.
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welcome back. 4:39 on this monday morning. still mild out there. relatively speaking. temperatures today are going to be back in the 60s. maybe near 70 in a few spots. a lot more clouds. finishing the day cloudy. some showers tonight. i'll come back in a few minutes and have the mother nature's slap in the face with reality sort of forecast for you when
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we come back or when i come back. right now let's go over to monika with timesaver traffic. metro is taking advantage of the light volumes on this veterans day. they're running on a saturday schedule. the red line is single tracking from grovener to friendship heights. i'll be back with more traffic at 4:47. it's 4:40. time for the first your money segment of the morning. >> time to go skiing off the cliff. >> no, it's not. >> everybody is looking at the fiscal cliff. wall street hoping lawmakers can agree on some sort of budget deal so they can avoid the fiscal cliff. president obama said he will veto any bill for tax cuts for anyone making more than
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$200,000. tax heights for nearly every american will go into effect on january 1 if no deal is reached. some deductions including the child tax credit will either be slashed or abolished. checking the numbers the dow rose four points on friday, really a measly gain after a terrible week. the nasdaq was up by nine and the s&p 500 was up by just two points. today eu finance ministers will meet to discuss the greek finance problem. parliament pass add new budget in hopes of big much needed international aid while keeping the financially troubled nation on the eu currency system. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke is scheduled to give a speech in atlanta, the first public appearance since the presidential election. wall street will be listening to any comments over the stalemate over the fiscal cliff. lockheed-martin will buy 20
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transport planes valued at 6.7 billion. the pentagon says saudi arabia needs the airplanes to help sustain its aging fleet. lockheed is going to make some money off of them. >> you're talking about the fiscal cliff. we don't want to wait till the new congress comes in but i heard senator-elect kaine said he would favor taxes on people making a half million dollars or higher. >> that's what he was campaigning on, that very specific point. he is sort of halfway between the republicans and the white house on this particular point. >> maybe there is some room. >> the other option is if they don't make a deal, they have 16 days in the lame duck congress starting tomorrow. they could just simply make some sort of band-aid measure, kick the can down the road to extend this into the new year to give the new congress more time to figure this out. we're going to be watching every step of the way for you guys. >> fiscal cliff, the new greece. >> thanks, jess. america is growing -- the
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obesity epidemic is sparking thousands of jobs. >> more in two minutes.
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everything you need to know to get your day started. howard bernstein has it at 4:45. count your blessings today is the last day -- >> last warm day we're going to see for a while. >> it was so gorgeous yesterday. >> it was stunning. right through caroll county, never did the ride up through 27, manchester. a lot of leaves are off the trees. some are still there. it's a pretty ride. caroll county, you have a beautiful part of the world you live in. hats off you to. except all the ice cream places are closed. that's not good. weather wise it was 70 degrees. >> you can have ice cream any time. >> let's get going with the bus stop forecast. i know it's the little things
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in life. the bus stop forecast, it's cool in spots. 40s and some 50s, even an isolated 6 on out there still with a mix -- 60 out there still with a mix of clouds. then we'll see the clouds thickening up as we go through the day. by lunch time probably mostly cloudy. winds out of the south, a little brink, 10 to 15 this afternoon. upper 60s. i think the cloud cover will keep us from being 70 today. i'm going 68 for the high. that's still pretty nice for this time of year. at 8:00 still 63. we've got some rain on the way but probably going to hold off till after midnight here in d.c. and points east. temperatures this morning down to 43 in laytonsville. it's 45 in leesburg and centreville. 451 in fort belvoir. i don't think the burke sensor is giving us an accurate reading right now. we'll ignore that one right now. 45 crofton and 42 if college park -- in college park. it's dark. we have partly cloudy conditions but good visibility. 52 degrees. a very light southwesterly wind
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this morning. only 3 miles an hour. the humidity at 77%. but there's certainly a strong cold front coming. easy to pick out when you see chicago at 35. detroit 56. minneapolis at 19. it's only in the -- barely in the double digits there in bismarck at 10. so this cold air is marching off to the east. with that cold air there's a front. the front has rain and just a little sliver of snow on the back side of this mixing in before it ends. but this front will be coming through our area tonight into tomorrow morning. so with that we'll increase the clouds ahead of it. then the showers will be following but as i show you the future cast, you see the showers will take a while to get here. might see a stray shower toward the shenandoah valley here attaching. even through -- here this afternoon. even through 5:00 we should be mostly cloudy. as we get into the nighttime hours, here comes the rain, especially west of town. higher elevations in the mountains you may get a dusting of snow. showers around for the morning, by noon most south and east.
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we've got some clearing moving in for the afternoon. so the early part of the day could be the problem on tuesday. mild today, 68. some early showers on tuesday but only 51. it will be breezy, too. wednesday we start in the 30s. we finish in the low 50s. much cooler. then as we go into thursday and friday, some low 50s. the terrapins are home. should be okay. the skins have the game sunday night. could be raining in the 40s. i'm hoping we can change that now. 4:48. happy veterans day. here's monika samtani. good morning, everybody. it's going to be a nice quiet rush hour if you do have to go to work. that's because it is veterans day. it also means metro is running on a saturday schedule. there are no hov restrictions today with the exception of route 50 in maryland which always has that in place. we'll go first to the north side of town. no issues to report on 270. again if you do have to go to work, i think it's going to be a nice ride all the way down the line from frederick to the point where the lanes divide. nice and quiet right now. the beltway is the same as well.
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let's take a live look outside. if you're planning to head here on the beltway at branch avenue, prince george's county side of the beltway, everything is incident free as well between 95 and springfield. let's go back over to the maps this time to the northbound side or inbound side of i-66 coming in from manassas to centreville. no issues to report. lanes are open as you head for the beltway. let's go to 395. a little out of this camera shot there is an accident on the southbound side of 395 just before duke street. apparently the two right lanes are blocked here in springfield on 95 things are nice and quiet as well. i'll be back with more at 4:55. back to you. >> thanks, monika. in health news, a new study suggests being sick while you're pregnant can increase the risk of having a child with autism. researchers looking at about 97,000 children in denmark and found kids whose moms had the flu during pregnancy were twice as likely to develop autism. kids whose moms had fewer -- excuse me, had a fever that lasted more than a week while
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they were pregnant, the risk was three times as great. eating fish may help kids breathe easier. a study in the journal of pediatrics found kids who were fed fish between six and 12 months old were less likely to develop wheezing when they got older. researchers say follow-up studies are needed to see if fish can lower the risk of asthma. more than a third of adults in the u.s. are now considered seriously overweight. >> those statistics are now leading to more and more people becoming personal trainers. >> reporter: ryan struggled to lose weight on his own for most of his life. >> my knowledge of working out is very limited and just kind of stumbling all over the place, no real guidance, no real goal setting. >> reporter: the weight just kept piling on. at 6'6", he got up to 375 pounds. >> there was also a lot of depression going on. >> reporter: desperate to get healthy, physically and emotionally, he hired a
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personal trainer. >> three more. it's about dealing with the personal issues, the personal obstacles and setting them up that meets them at their place of need and following up over time. >> reporter: the demand for personal trainers is growing. the number of fitness instructors is expected to jump almost 25% over the next decade. dr. bryan from the american council on exercise believes the spike is directly connected to the nation's obesity epidemic. >> without a doubt personal trainers are seeing more obese individuals and individuals who are suffering from a variety of obesity-related conditions. >> reporter: but sticking with it has been tough for ryan. he quit his workout program for more than three years before coming back. >> it's not happiness in a pill. it's really sticking for the long haul and getting it taken care in a healthy fashion. >> reporter: since march he has lost 2 inches from his waist and added healthy muscle. his goal is to lose 50 pounds over the next year but says he's more proud of what he's gained in the process.
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bigad shaban, cbs news, los angeles. >> ryan's weight also took a toll on his health. he has met politic -- metabolic syndrome which puts him at risk for heart disease. a measure would ban trucks from any downtown sidewalks within less than ten feet of unobstructive sidewalks. the ten most popular sites, only two passed. it is time now for the question of the morning. >> it is 10% of americans just 10% now will see this on their table on thanksgiving. is it a cranberry sauce? no way. b, a fruitcake, c, a restaurant bill? >> i bet it's b, a fruitcake. log on to our facebook fan page. we'd love to hear when you think. we'll have the answer in the 6:00 show. >> this week we're giving away tickets to "les miserables." all you have to do is answer
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the question correctly. "les miserables" will be at the national theater next month.
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welcome back to your weather first on this monday morning. it's still mild. today will be the last really mild warm day we have for a while. get the jackets ready if you haven't been using them the last few days. by lunch time we'll be in the low to mid-60s. clouds thickening this afternoon. should be a dry day with highs around 68 degrees. some showers tonight and then we're turning colder. details coming up on 9news now at 5:00. right now here's monika. on the southbound tied of 395 -- side of 39 a, accident cleanup after seminary -- 395, accident cleanup after seminary road. it's on the right side of the road without any delay getting
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by. more at 5:01. they feared facing him. baltimore ravens linebacker ray lewis hosted a one-night exhibit of his photography. it may be a hobby but lewis is definitely not a novice. >> for me this is now ten years of photography. it's the total opposite of my everyday world. my everyday world is real loud. >> we're thrilled to have him right here. he's exhibiting his photography for the first time. >> his photo exhibit was the showcase of this weekend's maryland art place annual gala. the blue dress worn by judy garland in the wizard of oz sold at auction this week for $480,000. the two-day auction of hollywood memorabilia drew bids from around the world. steve mcqueen's racing jacket fetched $50,000. so did a purple skirt worn by
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marilyn monroe in "the river of no return." the dress worn by julie andrews in the sound of music brought in $48,000. some dallass worn by johnny depp sold for $22,000. sky fall took in $87.8 million in the first weekend. if you add in 2.2 which it made on thursday night showings, $90 million bucks already. wretched ralph came in at number three. >> i think it would be double oh my. alec baldwin speaks out about playing santa claus in a new animated film. >> the vampires are back on the big screen for their twilight performance. edward lawrence has those stories and more in this look
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at entertainment. >> reporter: the fifth and final installment in the twilight installment appears in los angeles tonight. more than 2500 fans camped out in front of the nokia theater hoping for a glimpse of the movie stars. vampires and werewolf taylor. >> we're hoping to see the stars from the movie, get pictures with them. whatever we can get, we're happy to be part of it. >> reporter: most of these folks will stay camped out here till thursday night when the movie opens to the public. >> we need your help. >> reporter: santa claus joins forces with jack frost, the tooth fairy, the easter bunny and sand man in a new commuter animated film. alec baldwin plays santa claus with a russian accent. he's the leader fighting to protect children from an evil spirit. >> the market always needs a strong, strong holiday movie. people want to go to the movies that time of year. they want to go out of their house in the cold time of winter. >> reporter: rise of the
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guardians opens in theaters nationwide next week. another animated film comes out on dvd tomorrow. "brave" is the story of a scottish princess when relies on her bravery and archery skills to undo a beastly curse. that's your eye on entertainment. i'm edward lawrence for cbs news, los angeles. >> those animated films aren't just for kids anymore. they're really entertaining for the entire family. good morning. thank you for watching 9news now at 5:00 a.m. i'm andrea roane. >> happy monday. i'm mike hydeck. thanks for joining us. hi, monika. how are you? >> great weekend. >> stunning weekend. great forecast, howard. >> for people who have the day off, what a lovely day. >> a good long weekend. it's going to be a little cloudier today, though, especially as the day wears on. should be dry throughout this monday, the observed veterans day. veterans day was yesterday today. is the legal holiday. we thank our veterans as we do every day, every -- every year, every day for


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